HOMEOCAN Headache And Migraine Natural Relief
HOMEOCAN Headache And Migraine Natural ReliefTake Headache & Migraine tablets when need to relieve your pain naturally
These tablets are composed of natural homeopathic ingredients. It may help relieve symptoms associated with headaches & migraine. Format: 60 tablets
Medicinal ingredients: Cyclamen europaeum 4X Antimonium crudum 9X Alumina 9X Lycopodium clavatum 5X Argentum nitricum 9X Digitalis purpurea 9X Melilotus officinalis 4X Glonoinum 6X Non medicinal ingredients: Lactose, magnesium stearate Raw material information: www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/prodnatur/index_e.html
(ages 2 to 11):
1 tablet
(ages 12 and over):
2 tablets
Method of administration: chew and let the tablet(s) melt in the mouth 3 times a day. Reduce intake as symptoms improve or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner. To be taken outside of meals.